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Fig. 8 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 8

From: Medicago PHYA promotes flowering, primary stem elongation and expression of flowering time genes in long days

Fig. 8

Mtphya-1 fta1 double mutants show weakly additive effects on flowering time and primary axis length in VLD. a-b Double Mtphya-1 fta1 mutants were generated by crossing the single mutants. Average flowering time in VLD of controls (wild-type R108, n = 9; fta1 mutants, n = 14) and F3 progeny of a Mtphya-1 homozygous/FTa1 heterozygous plant from Mtphya-1 x fta1 (n = 48: Mtphya-1 homozygous/FTa1 wild-type, n = 15; Mtphya-1 homozygous/FTa1 heterozygous, n = 24; Mtphya-1 homozygous/fta1 homozygous, n = 9). Flowering time was scored as either days (A) or nodes (B) to first flower and are shown as the mean ± (t.SE) (0.05). The box indicates the double Mtphya-1 fta1 mutant plants. c-d Average lengths of the primary (c) and longest secondary axis (d) of the plants in (a-b). The measurements were taken at 38-d-old in VLD and shown as the mean ± (t.SE) (0.05) (n = 9–24)

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