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Fig. 1 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 1

From: SH1-dependent maize seed development and starch synthesis via modulating carbohydrate flow and osmotic potential balance

Fig. 1

Phenotype characterization of sh1*. a Mature F2 ear of W64A × sh1*, the arrow identified the sh1* kernels. Bar = 0.5 cm. b Observation of complete (left) and dissected (right) mature kernels of WT and sh1*. Bar = 1 cm. c Comparison of 100-mature kernels weight of randomly selected Z58 and sh1* kernels. Values were means with SD. (**, P < 0.01, student’s t test). d Germination experiment of mature kernels of Z58 and sh1*. Bar = 1 cm. e Comparison of germination rate of Z58 and sh1* kernels. Values were means with SD. (**, P < 0.01, student’s t test). f Paraffin sectioning of Z58 and sh1* kernels during 9 to 21 DAP. Bar =1 mm. g Comparison of fresh- and dry-weight of Z58 and sh1* kernels during 9 to 28 DAP. The data showed were the average of three independent experiments and error bars represent SD. h Comparison of basal endosperm transfer layer (BETL) in Z58 and sh1* kernels during 9 to 21 DAP. Bar = 20 μm. i Microstructure of mature starch granules in Z58 and sh1* kernels. Bar = 500 μm. j Comparison of starch content from Z58 and sh1* developing kernels. Three times of starch content measurement were done, and the values were means with SD

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