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Fig. 5 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 5

From: Sex-differential reproduction success and selection on floral traits in gynodioecious Salvia pratensis

Fig. 5

Standardized phenotypic selection gradients that were significantly different between two sexual morphs in gynodioecious Salvia pratensis (a-i). Selection gradients were illustrated with the added-variable plots, in which the residuals from a complete model of relative fitness on all traits except the focal trait are plotted against the residuals from a regression model of the focal trait on the other traits. The relationships between relative fitness and trait values were illustrated for hermaphrodite morph with open symbols and dashed line, and for female morph with filled symbols and solid line. The asterisks indicate significant difference between morphs: “*” for p < 0.05, “**” p < 0.01, and “***” p < 0.001

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