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Fig. 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 2

From: Non-linear regression models for time to flowering in wild chickpea combine genetic and climatic factors

Fig. 2

Analysis of climatic factor effects on phenotype. Box plots of climatic factor influence estimators calculated for model ensembles and for each location as a finite difference approximation of the partial derivative of a regression function (1) in respect to the factor. Each box covers two quantiles from 25 to 75% of influence’s variation with a horizontal line at median value of the estimated influence. Empty circles represent outliers. Boxes located higher than zero mark on vertical axis represent a positive influence of a factor on flowering time. In this case increasing the factor speeds up flowering. Other boxes represent an opposite case. “DL”, “TEMP”, “P” and “U” correspond to factors related to day length, temperature, precipitation and humidity, respectively

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