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Fig. 7 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 7

From: Protein analysis reveals differential accumulation of late embryogenesis abundant and storage proteins in seeds of wild and cultivated amaranth species

Fig. 7

Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Agglomerative Hiererchical Clusterin (AHC). a, Principal component score plot for the data set. The first two components account for 62.34% of the total variation. Each axis is labelled with the percent of total variance and the absolute eigenvalue. b, AHC dendogram grouped amaranth species according to their similarity on protein profiles. Letters correspond to amaranth species: A, A. hybridus; B, A. powellii; C, A. cruentus cv Amaranteca; D, A. hypochondriacus cv Opaca (waxy); E, A. hypochondriacus cv Cristalina (non-waxy); F, A. hypochondriacus cv Nutrisol

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