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Fig. 7 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 7

From: Dosage imbalance of B- and C-class genes causes petaloid-stamen relating to F1 hybrid variation

Fig. 7

Wild-type and mutant floral morphology in the hybrids of Petrocosmea glabristoma and P. sinensis. a flower of P. sinensis; b-k flowers of F1 hybrids of P. glabristoma × P. sinensis. b Wild-type flower of F1 hybrids; c, d dorsalized pentamerous (c) and hexamerous (d) flowers in face and lateral view; e-g flower with four (e), three (f) and five (g) dorsal petals; (h) flower with one large dorsal petal, two lateral petals and three ventral petals; i-j flower with four dorsal petals and one ventral petal (i), three dorsal petals and two ventral petals (j) (lateral petals are missing); k several flowers transformed to a “head-like” inflorescences, each floret having only uncertain number of petals and sepals with complete missing of stamen and pistil (lateral view). l-u flowers of F1 hybrids of P. sinensis × P. glabristoma. l wild-type flower of F1 hybrids; m, n ventralized tetramerous (m) and pentamerous (n) flowers in face and lateral view; o-q dorsalized tetramerous (o), pentamerous (p), hexamerous (q) flowers in face and lateral view; r flower with three dorsal petals; s flowers with the left lateral petal reduced in size, ventral petal right-inclined plus two fertile stamens; t flower with four dorsal petals and one ventral petal; u flower with additional petals between lower lips and sepals. Bar, 0.5 cm

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