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Fig. 4 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 4

From: Insights into the transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of the rice SUMOylation machinery and into the role of two rice SUMO proteases

Fig. 4

Analysis of the rice E3 SIZ and HPY2 classes. Maximum likelihood phylogeny of the E3 SUMO ligase family performed with the catalytic SP-RING domain: a OsSIZ and (b) OsHPY2. Only nodes with bootstrap support > 75% show the correspondent bootstrap value. Os – Oryza sativa, Sc - Saccharomyces cerevisiae, At – Arabidopsis thaliana, Zm – Zea mays and Hv – Hordeum vulgare. c Venn diagram showing common CREs of E3 SUMO ligases. d Schematic representation of E3 SUMO ligases alternative splicing forms, showing three ASF for OsSIZ1 and two for OsHPY2. The difference between OsSIZ1.1–2 is three nucleotides missing in OsSIZ1.2 (arrow). White boxes – untranslated regions (UTR); black boxes – exons; lines – introns. The different domains and proteins lengths are indicated. In the case of OsHPY2, black indicates a confirmed ASF structure, which is not available for OsHPY2.2 (in gray). Basal expression levels of OsSIZ (e) and OsHPY2 (f) by qPCR in shoots (no pattern) and roots (patterned) of LC-93-4 (LC) and Nipponbare (Nipp). OsSIZ1.1 and OsSIZ1.2 were analysed together. g Transcript level profile of ASFs of OsSIZ1 in response to 15 μM ABA or 100 μM of GA

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