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Fig. 9 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 9

From: MITE insertion-dependent expression of CitRKD1 with a RWP-RK domain regulates somatic embryogenesis in citrus nucellar tissues

Fig. 9

Association between promoter structure and transcription of CitRDK1 in 10 representative citrus varieties. The illustration (a) indicates the PCR amplification region of CitRDK1 in genotyping PCR (b) and RT-PCR (c). RT-PCR was conducted using young whole fruit at DAF30. The genotypes of CitRKD1 alleles are shown by the combinations of M (monoembryonic allele) and P (polyembryonic allele). 1: clementine mandarin, 2: ‘Kiyomi’, 3: Mato buntan pumelo, 4: hyuga-natsu, 5: ‘Nishinokaori’ tangor, 6: satsuma mandarin, 7: ‘Harumi’, 8: ‘Valencia’ sweet orange, 9: ponkan mandarin, 10: ‘Saga’ mandarin

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