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Fig. 1 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 1

From: Integrative analysis of DNA methylation, mRNAs, and small RNAs during maize embryo dedifferentiation

Fig. 1

Generation of genome-wide methylation maps for immature embryos and callui. a Summary of samples used for genome-wide methylation analyses. Normal embryo tissues (CK) and dedifferentiated embryo samples (I, II, and III) were employed for MeDIP-seq, DGE, and small RNA-seq. b Visualization of hypermethylated DMRs in the CK group and stage I-callus within the VIM1-like gene (GRMZM2G461447) using the IGV tool. Green, blue: MeDIP-seq tracks of the CK group and each embryo callus stage, respectively; red outlines the hypermethylated region of the gene of interest. c Expression of the VIM1-like gene, as determined by DGE. The expression is given as the log2-fold change calculated comparing the stage I-callus to the CK group (normal embryos). de Venn diagram showing the DMRs identified in 2 kb upstream and gene body regions

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