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Fig. 6 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 6

From: Analysis of the lipid body proteome of the oleaginous alga Lobosphaera incisa

Fig. 6

Impact of heterologous LiLBP36 expression on postgerminative growth in A. thaliana sdp1/sdp1-L seedlings. a Elongation of sdp1/sdp1-L napA::LBP36 line 2 seedlings after 5 d in the dark with or without sucrose. Bars = 1 cm. b Quantification of hypocotyl length for 5 independent lines as well as WT and mutant lines carrying an empty vector. For both growth conditions and each independent line, three or 4 batches of at least 15 seedlings were measured and hypocotyl length of seedlings germinated without sucrose was divided by the average value for the same line with sucrose. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean. Asterisks denote measurements on transgenic lines deviating significantly from the mutant (two-sided Student’s T-test, α = 0.05). c Confirmation of gene expression. Transcripts were detected in dry seeds of independent lines with the Brassica napus napin A (napA) promoter controlling expression of L. incisa sdp1/sdp1-L

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