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Fig. 8 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 8

From: Reactive oxygen species mediate tapetal programmed cell death in tobacco and tomato

Fig. 8

Transcript abundance of tobacco or tomatao RBOHs in various tissues or anther development stages by real-time quantitative PCRs. a–b Transcript abundance of tobacco (a) or tomato (b) RBOHs in various tissues. c–d Transcript abundance of tobacco (c) or tomato (d) RBOHs in anthers at various developmental stages. RNAs used in (a–b) were extracted from root, stem, leaf, mature anther, or pollen. RNAs used in (c–d) were extracted from anthers at different developmental stages. Classification of anther groups is based on anther sizing described in Additional file 1: Table S1. Data shown are means + SE (N = 3)

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