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Fig. 4 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 4

From: An integrated RNAseq-1H NMR metabolomics approach to understand soybean primary metabolism regulation in response to Rhizoctonia foliar blight disease

Fig. 4

Metabolite and transcript pathway network analysis of soybean responses to R. solani AG1-IA. Gene-to-metabolite and metabolite-to-gene network fluctuations in soybean leaves in response to R. solani AG1-IA infection 12 and 24 h post-inoculation (h.p.i.). Metabolite fold changes are represented in bar graphs, and significant changes based on PLS-DA loading coefficients are indicated by an asterisk (P < 0.05). Transcripts are represented as arrows connecting metabolites. Transcript fold-changes (1.5 fold threshold; P < 0.05) based on qRT-PCR results are represented by boxes with 12 h.p.i. and 24 h.p.i. time-points represented on the left and right, respectively. Red illustrates an increase in transcript abundance in response to R. solani AG1-IA infection, while hatched green represents a decrease (P < 0.05 and fold change >1.5 or <−1.5). Capital lettering beside the boxes indicates gene name abbreviations (see Table 1). Black arrows without boxes represent transcripts detected in RNAseq, but not significantly affected by infection. Solid arrows represent single-step reactions, while hashed arrows represent multi-step reactions. Stars represent transcripts and metabolite bins that were identified as significantly altered using O2PLS analytical methods

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