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Fig. 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 2

From: RNAi-mediated down-regulation of the expression of OsFAD2-1: effect on lipid accumulation and expression of lipid biosynthetic genes in the rice grain

Fig. 2

Level of ECH1 and LACS transcripts of two OsFAD2-1 RNAi lines (RNAi) and two null segregants (WT) at three different developmental stages. The ∆∆CT method [55] was used to determine the expression of the ECH1 (a) and LACS (b) gene transcripts normalised to the α-tubulin housekeeping gene from qRT-PCR data to produce a mean fold difference. Error bars are one standard error (s.e). ECH1_10: ECH1 gene at 10 DPA; ECH1_15: ECH1 gene at 15DAA; ECH1_20: ECH1 gene at 20 DAA; LACS_10: LACS gene at 10 DAA; LACS_15: LACS gene at 15 DAA; LACS_20: LACS gene at 20 DAA; OsFAD2–1RNAi Line 22–4 (4) and Line 22–4 (5) were used as transgenic lines, OsFAD2–1 RNAi Line 22–4 (1) and Line 22–4 (2) were used as the null segregants. All four lines were derived from one OsFAD2–1 RNAi 22–4 T2 plant.* shows the significantly different at P < 0.05 levels

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