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Fig. 5 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 5

From: CENH3-GFP: a visual marker for gametophytic and somatic ploidy determination in Arabidopsis thaliana

Fig. 5

Gametophytic ploidy distribution using pWOX2-CENH3-GFP in triploid Arabidopsis. a-d Representative images of male meiotic outcome in wild type (a, unbalanced tetrad; b, polyad) and jason-2 (c, triad; d, dyad) triploid lines. e-h DAPI-stained chromosome spreads of male meiocytes at the beginning of MII in triploid Arabidopsis shows lagging chromosomes h and an unbalanced segregation of homologous chromosomes. i-l GFP fluorescence images of late uninuclear microspores isolated from a triploid pWOX2-CENH3-GFP line. Images are processed z-stacks. Scale bars, 10 μm. m-n Frequency distribution of pWOX2-CENH3-GFP signals in nuclei of late uninuclear microspores isolated from triploid Arabidopsis control lines m and a male overdose triploid jason line n. Error bars represent standard deviation (of three independent analyses of at least 100 spores). o-r Fluorescent imaging of binuclear megaspores in developing ovules of triploid pWOX2-CENH3-GFP. Scale bars, 10 μm

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