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Fig. 5 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 5

From: Widespread and evolutionary analysis of a MITE family Monkey King in Brassicaceae

Fig. 5

Monkey King insertion polymorphism analysis in B. rapa, B. oleracea, and B. napus. Five Monkey King members (MITE nos.: SQ045001123, SQ045005824, C01-1, SQ045034851, and C01-6) were used for identification of MITE insertion/deletion in different DNA samples. The Arabic numerals, 1 to 7, represent Chiifu (Br), Kenshin (Br), Tapidor (Bn), Ningyou7 (Bn), Westar (Bn), CA25 (Bo), and A12HDd (Bo), respectively. Red arrows indicate the bands containing MITE insertions and the smaller fragments indicate MITE deletions in the corresponding regions. Sequence comparison information for each Monkey King insertion was listed at the right side of the corresponding picture. TSD sequences are shown in bold. Red bases represent base mismatches

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