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Figure 4 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 4

From: Powerful regulatory systems and post-transcriptional gene silencing resist increases in cellulose content in cell walls of barley

Figure 4

Cellulose content and stem strength data for T 1 SCW 35S: HvCesA4 and 35S: HvCesA8 plants. (A) Cellulose content was measured as percent cellulose (%). There were three independent lines with a dwarfed and leaf necrosis phenotype (black solid circle) and three lines with a normal phenotype. (B) maximum flexural load, N, was a measure of stem strength. There were three independent lines with ‘brittle node’ phenotype (black solid circle) and three normal-looking transgenic plants. Plants that were severely stunted died at a young stage so were not available for cellulose content analysis. Error bars are standard error of the mean of biological replicates (n). Significant differences were determined by one-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test.

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