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Figure 8 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 8

From: Hessian fly larval feeding triggers enhanced polyamine levels in susceptible but not resistant wheat

Figure 8

Model depicting the involvement of polyamines in susceptibility to virulent Hessian fly larvae. Hessian fly larvae apply effectors (E) to host cells. In the absence of effector recognition by wheat R gene products (R) a compatible interaction (virulent larva on susceptible plant; represented in blue) takes place resulting in the formation of a nutritive tissue that is rich in amino acids and other nutrients. Some amino acids are converted to polyamines directly, or indirectly through the mediation of decarboxylated s-adenosylmethionine (dcSAM). The polyamines and amino acids increase the nutritional value of the host tissue and are ingested by virulent Hessian fly larvae, benefiting their growth and development. In contrast, recognition of larval effectors by wheat R gene products triggers an incompatible interaction (avirulent larva on resistant plant; represented in red) takes place, leading to a cascade of defense responses that do not allow the formation of a nutritive tissue, and eventually result death of larvae by starvation.

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