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Figure 4 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 4

From: Genome-wide association study of Fusarium ear rot disease in the U.S.A. maize inbred line collection

Figure 4

LD heatmaps showing LD measure ( r 2) calculated for each pair-wise combination of SNPs in an approximately ±0.5 Mbp region surrounding each SNP significantly associated with ear rot resistance in the two inbred association panel analyses. (A) LD around the four SNPs chromosome 4 SNPs located in the 7.6 Mbp to 9.4 Mbp interval. (B) LD around chromosome 4 SNP at physical position 124.9 Mbp. (C) LD around chromosome 5 SNP. (D) LD around chromosome 9 SNP. The significant SNP(s) on each chromosome is highlighted by the perpendicular black lines within each heatmap. Colors indicate the magnitude of each pair-wise r 2 measure (r 2 = 1 is red to r 2 = 0 is white).

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