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Figure 1 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 1

From: Control of trichome branching by Chromatin Assembly Factor-1

Figure 1

Sucrose influences trichome morphology in CAF-1 mutants. The overbranching of rosette leaf trichomes in CAF-1 mutants is reduced on medium containing sucrose. Trichome branch number was assessed on the first and second primary leaves of wild-types Col (294, 342), En (161, 136) and Ler (119, 449) and the mutants fas1-4 (223, 171), fas2-4 (164, 121), fas1-1 (123, 98), fas2-1 (66, 124),gl3-1 (42, 55) and sti-56 (129, 171). Figures in parentheses represent the number of trichomes analyzed on sorbitol and sucrose, respectively. Note that gl3-1 produces only a limited number of trichomes on the primary rosette leaves. Plants were grown on MS medium supplied with either 1% sorbitol (unmarked bars) or 1% sucrose (bars highlighted in yellow).

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