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Figure 5 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 5

From: Systemic resistance and lipoxygenase-related defence response induced in tomato by Pseudomonas putidastrain BTP1

Figure 5

Induction of LOX and LHP activities in tomatoplants. Extracts were prepared from the third true leaves from plants previously treated with P. putida BTP1 (â– ) compared with control plants (â—†) collected just before inoculation of the pathogen and 48 and 96 hours after challenge with B. cinerea. (A) LOX activity represents the activity of all linolenic acid and linoleic acid-degrading enzymes. (B) Time-course evaluation of disease severity in control and P. putida BTP1-treated plants after infection with B. cinerea. Data represented are the averages of infection rates observed in the three experiments showing statistically significant disease reduction presented in Fig. 1. (C) LHP activity represents the activity of all hydroperoxide-degrading enzymes. Both activities were determined spectrophotometrically by monitoring hydroperoxide increase or decomposition at 234 nm, respectively. For both enzymes, data are means and standard errors of three independent experiments with four measurements performed on leaf material collected at every sampling time in every experiment.

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