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Figure 7 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 7

From: Reduced polyphenol oxidase gene expression and enzymatic browning in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) with artificial microRNAs

Figure 7

Dendrogram of hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) of the transgenic lines and WT. The dendrogram represents the dissimilarity of the 15 observations (14 transgenic lines and a WT) based on seven variables, relative PPO gene expression level of StuPPO1, StuPPO2, StuPPO3 and StuPPO4, RPR, RPPO and RBR according to the HCA (Ward’s linkage hierarchical clustering with the Euclidean distance). On the left of the dendrogram, each observation is considered its own cluster. Horizontal lines represent dissimilarity values, these lines are connected to the lines from other observations with a vertical line. Long horizontal lines represent more distinct separation between the groups. Shorter horizontal lines indicate groups that are not as distinct.

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