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Figure 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 2

From: Genetic analysis of safflower domestication

Figure 2

Genetic map of the safflower genome and corresponding quantitative trait locus (QTL) positions. Marker names are listed on the right and positions (in cM) are listed on the left of each linkage group. Markers with an asterisk represent SNPs mapped as dominant markers. Bars represent 1-LOD QTL intervals and traits with an asterisk denote “low confidence” QTL (α = 0.10). Green bars show locations of QTL in which the cultivar allele exhibits phenotypic effects in the expected direction while dark blue bars represent QTL where the cultivar allele confers a wild-like phenotype. Black bars represent QTL for traits in which the parents did not exhibit significant differences. Shaded regions along each linkage group represent regions exhibiting segregation distortion, with the following colors indicating different significance levels: yellow α < 0.05, brown α < 0.01, and red α < 0.001. Marker names are shaded the same colors as QTL bars to indicate the directionality of the distortion, where light blue indicates that there is a heterozygote excess.

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