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Figure 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 2

From: BeMADS1 is a key to delivery MADSs into nucleus in reproductive tissues-De novo characterization of Bambusa edulis transcriptome and study of MADS genes in bamboo floral development

Figure 2

Assignment of COG and GO classifications to B. edulis unigenes across three transcriptome datasets. A. COG functional classification of the B. edulis transcriptome. The graph shows the percentage of the whole dataset that was annotated within any one COG function.A total of 9,347 (for 454 dataset), 29,654 (for Illumina dataset) and 6,158 (for Hybrid dataset) unigenes showed significant homologies to genes in the COG protein database and were distributed into 25 COG categories (A-Z, except X). B. GO classification of the B. edulis transcriptome. The graph shows the percentage of the whole dataset that was annotated within any one GO sub-category. A total of 15,916 unigenes from 454 dataset were distributed into 36 GO sub-categories (functional groups), 38,740 unigenes from Illumina dataset were distributed into 41 sub-categories, and 10,866 unigenes from Hybrid dataset were distributed into 34 sub-categories.

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