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Figure 6 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 6

From: Arabidopsis AtHB7 and AtHB12evolved divergently to fine tune processes associated with growth and responses to water stress

Figure 6

AtHB7 induces stomata closure. (A). Stomatal density was determined by counting pores per area under microscopy in 38-day-old leaves. (B) Stomata’s aperture (μm) was evaluated in three 38-day-old leaves from different individuals per genotype. (C) Stomata’s conductance determined by IRGA and expressed as mol H2O m-2 s-1. (D) Weight loss in detached 38-day-old leaves evaluated every 20 min by weighting and illustrated as the% of the initial weight. Error bars represent SE (A: n = 5 pictures per genotype; B: n = 15 stomatas from three different leaves per genotype; C: n = 4 leaves per genotype); “*”, “a”, “b”, “c” and “d” denote statistical differences obtained with one-way-ANOVA-Tukey’s P < 0.05.

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