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Figure 1 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 1

From: Growth attenuation under saline stress is mediated by the heterotrimeric G protein complex

Figure 1

Na+triggers AtRGS1–YFP endocytosis. A) 5-d-old agb1-2 and Col-0 seedlings that were grown on ¼ MS agar plates were then transplanted to ¼ MS agar plates supplemented with 200 mM NaCl. Images were captured over time, but shown are seedlings 5 d after initiation of the treatment (i.e. 10-d-old). B) AtRGS1–YFP endocytosis in Arabidopsis hypocotyl epidermal cells after treatment with various concentrations of NaCl or KCl for 16 h. Differential interference contrast (DIC) shows no change in cell integrity after 16 h of 100 mM NaCl treatment. The DIC is image of the same hypocotyl shown for the 100 mM NaCl treatment. C) AtRGS1 internalization was quantified after 16 h treatment at the indicated NaCl concentrations. CHX: seedlings were incubated with 70 μm cyclohexamide followed by water (control) or 50 mM NaCl treatment for 16 h. Error bars represent standard deviation, n = replicates. Pair wise comparisons between the means were performed with a T-test confidence level (CL) of 95%. All pair-wise comparisons included their respective control (no salt). *, means (treatment and control) differ significantly (p value < 0.05). Scale bars = 10 μm.

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