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Figure 9 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 9

From: The ORCA2 transcription factor plays a key role in regulation of the terpenoid indole alkaloid pathway

Figure 9

Time course analysis of TIA regulatory gene expression levels. Results shown are the: uninduced ORCA2-OE line (□, solid line), 0.02% ethanol-induced ORCA2-OE line (■, solid line), uninduced control line (∆, dashed line) and 0.02% ethanol-induced control line (▲, dashed line). The relative mRNA levels are presented as ∆∆CT. Transcript levels are depicted for the following genes A) CrMYC2, B) ORCA3, C) CrBPF1, D) ZCT1, E) ZCT2, F) ZCT3, G) GBF1 and H) GBF2. Results are the average ∆∆CT values of three biological replicates, with two technical replicates for each biological replicate. Error bars indicate standard deviations. Transcript levels of the indicated gene in the induced versus uninduced ORCA2-OE cultures differed at the same time point with: * = p ≤ 0.05, ** = p ≤ 0.01 according to Student’s t-test. Student’s t-test results for the induced versus uninduced cultures of the control line are not depicted.

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