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Figure 1 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 1

From: The ORCA2 transcription factor plays a key role in regulation of the terpenoid indole alkaloid pathway

Figure 1

TIA biosynthesis in C. roseus . Enzyme abbreviations are written in capital letters next to the arrow indicating the reaction catalyzed by each enzyme. The metabolites resulting from different enzymatic conversions are indicated by the appropriate arrows. Solid arrows represent single enzymatic conversions, whereas dashed arrows indicate multiple enzymatic reactions. The genes that were included for analysis of expression are marked in bold. 16OMT, 16-hydroxytabersonine-O-methyl-transferase; AS, anthranilate synthase; CPR, cytochrome P450 reductase; CYP71BJ1, CYP71 cytochrome P450 hydroxylase; D4H, desacetoxyvindoline 4-hydroxylase; DAT, deacetylvindoline 4-O-acetyltransferase; DMAPP, dimethylallyl pyrophosphate; DXS, 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase; G3P, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate; G10H, geraniol 10-hydroxylase; IPP, isopentenyl diphosphate; LAMT, loganic acid O-methyltransferase; PRX1, vacuolar class III peroxidase; SGD, strictosidine glucosidase; SLS, secologanin synthase; STR, strictosidine synthase; T6,7E, tabersonine 6,7-epoxidase; T16H, tabersonine 16-hydroxylase; TDC, tryptophan decarboxylase.

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