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Figure 6 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 6

From: A novel RNA binding protein affects rbcL gene expression and is specific to bundle sheath chloroplasts in C4plants

Figure 6

Accumulation of various plastid- and nuclear-encoded proteins in leaf basal regions of RLSB/RLSB and insertion mutant rlsb-1/rlsb-2 maize seedlings. Equalized amounts of total (soluble plus membrane) proteins from non-mutant RLSB/RLSB and mutant rlsb-1/rlsb-2 leaves were separated by SDS-PAGE, and subjected to immunoblot analysis as described for Figure 4, using the indicated antibodies. Cp-encoded, chloroplast-encoded proteins. Note that CF1αβ antisera reacts to both the alpha and beta subunits, which run at the same position on this gel. Nuc-encoded Cp-localized, nuclear-encoded proteins targeted to the chloroplast. Nuc-encoded Mt-localized, nuclear-encoded protein targeted to the mitochondria. Nuc-encoded Cyto-localized, nuclear-encoded protein localized within the cytoplasm.

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