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Table 1 Pearson’s coefficients of correlation (r) between growth increments and I DM

From: Plasticity of primary and secondary growth dynamics in Eucalyptushybrids: a quantitative genetics and QTL mapping perspective


Trial level

Tree level

Pearson’s r (p-value)

Mean of Pearson’s r [range]

% of significant correlation

Height increment

Early growth

0.5 (2.2e-16)

0.58 [-0.26, 0.96]


Late growth

0.39 (2.2e-16)

0.44 [-0.36, 0.9]


Circumference increment

Early growth

0.69 (2.2e-16)

0.79 [0.02, 0.98]


Late growth

0.42 (2.2e-16)

0.49 [-0.08, 0.92]


  1. Pearson’s coefficients of correlation were calculated for early (< 24 months) and late (>24 months) growth at trial and tree levels.