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Figure 3 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 3

From: Regulation of fruit ascorbic acid concentrations during ripening in high and low vitamin C tomato cultivars

Figure 3

Non-radiolabelled feeding experiments with L-ascorbic acid precursor substrates. The effect of incubating with A) D-Glucose (D-Glc), D-Mannose (D-Man), L-galactose (L-Gal), and L-galactono-lactone (L-GaL) from the L-galactose pathway, L-gulono-lactone (L-GuL), D-glucurono-lactone (D-GlcUL), and myo-inositol (MI) from the alternative biosynthetic pathways, and with B) L-ascorbic acid (AsA) and dehydroascorbate (DHA), for 24 hours on totAsA concentrations (mmol/gFW) of 1) immature green, 2) mature green, and 3) red fruit discs of ‘Santorini’ (white) and ‘Ailsa Craig’ (gray). Results represent means of three replications ± SD, and asterisks indicate values that are significantly different from those of the control for 24 hours (t-test, P < 0.05).

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