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Figure 1 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 1

From: Characterization of a caleosin expressed during olive (Olea europaeaL.) pollen ontogeny

Figure 1

Sudan black B staining of neutral lipids in sections from olive anthers. Light microscopy sections (A-F) -and enlarged views (A'-F')- of olive anthers at the PMC (A and A'), Te (B and B'), Mi (C and C'), YP (D and D'), MBP (E and E') and MP (F and F') stages. Oil bodies are indicated by arrowheads, while circles denote lipidic masses. Ap: pollen aperture; Cy: cytoplasm; En: endothecium; Ep: epidermis; GC: generative cell; L: anther locule; MBP: mid bicellular pollen grain; Mi: microspore; MP: mature pollen grain; N: microspore nucleus; PMC: pollen mother cell; T: tapetum; Te: tetrad; VN: vegetative nucleus; YP: young pollen grain.

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