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Figure 5 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 5

From: The Arabidopsis pop2-1mutant reveals the involvement of GABA transaminase in salt stress tolerance

Figure 5

Phenotypic and physiological characterization of pop2-1 upon NaCl treatment. Ten-day-old plantlets of WT and pop2-1 mutant grown on agar medium were transferred for 4 days on agar medium supplemented, or not (Control), with 150 mM NaCl. For each condition, 15 entire plants were harvested for subsequent analysis. (A) Phenotype of plants at the end of NaCl treatment. Blue traits indicate primary root apex location at the onset of treatment. Scale bar = 1 cm. (B) Plants dry weight after NaCl treatment. Cl- (C), Na+ (D) and K+ (E) content of plantlets after NaCl treatment. Results are the mean ± S.E of 4 independent replicates. Stars indicate a significant difference with WT in the same condition according to non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test (P < 0.05).

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