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Figure 3 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 3

From: Genetic fine-mapping of DIPLOSPOROUS in Taraxacum (dandelion; Asteraceae) indicates a duplicated DIP-gene

Figure 3

Schematic representation of recombination types (I to VI), their frequency (n) and average penetrance of diplospory (%). The types reflect the different locations of recombination (stripes) and DIP-flank involved (dark grey bar), with white bars representing the non-DIP chromosomal parts. The schedule visualizes the bias towards diplosporous recombinants (20 out of 24) and indicates that this is irrespective of the DIP-flank involved. The boxed region suggests an enforcement of this bias closer to DIP (~all are diplosporous). The reduced average penetrance of diplospory found in recombinants of type III suggests that the region between DIP and S10 contains essential elements for diplosporous reproduction. Marker distances follow the fine-map of Figure 2C and penetrance of diplospory are further visualized in Figure 4.

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