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Fig. 7 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 7

From: Impact of silver nanoparticles on secondary metabolite composition and toxicity in anise (Pimpinella anisum L.) callus culture

Fig. 7

Here are the initial pictures of calli for the following experimental groups: Control group (A), 1 mg/L (B), 5 mg/L (C), 10 mg/L (D), and 20 mg/L (E). On the 7th day, pictures were taken of the same experimental groups: Control group (F), 1 mg/L (G), 5 mg/L (H), 10 mg/L (I), and 20 mg/L (J). On the 14th day, pictures were retaken: Control group (K), 1 mg/L (L), 5 mg/L (M), 10 mg/L (N), and 20 mg/L (O). On the 28th day, pictures were retaken: Control group (P), 1 mg/L (Q), 5 mg/L (R), 10 mg/L (S), and 20 mg/L (T). Finally, on the 35th day, pictures were retaken: Control group (U), 1 mg/L (V), 5 mg/L (W), 10 mg/L (X), and 20 mg/L (Y). It was observed that there was a significant change in the color of the callus from green to yellow or dark yellow as the concentration of AgNP increased

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