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Fig. 1 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 1

From: RhMED15a-like, a subunit of the Mediator complex, is involved in the drought stress response in Rosa hybrida

Fig. 1

Phylogenetic relationships of RhMED15a-like and diagram of the RhMED15a-like promoter region. a Phylogenetic relationships between RhMED15a-like, RhMED15a and the Mediator Tail module subunits in Arabidopsis. MEGA 7.0 was utilized to construct the neighbour-joining tree. The RhMED15a-like protein is represented by a black solid circle. Bootstrap values delineate each branch's divergence, with the scale demarcating the branch length. AtMED15 (NP_173030.1), AtMED25 (NP_173925.3), AtMED29 (NP_172641.2), AtMED14 (NP_187125.1), AtMED23 (NP_173737.1), AtMED16 (NP_192401.5), AtMED27 (NP_566345.1), AtMED33b (NP_566125.4), AtMED33a (NP_189001.1). b Potential CREs present in the RhMED15a-like promoter. The CREs that respond to plant hormones and environmental stresses were analysed using the PlantCARE database and are indicated by different colours

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