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Fig. 7 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 7

From: RhMED15a-like, a subunit of the Mediator complex, is involved in the drought stress response in Rosa hybrida

Fig. 7

KEGG and GO analyses of DEGs between RhMED15a-like-silenced plants and TRV controls. a Volcano diagram analysis of the DEGs. A total of 972 DEGs were identified in the TRV-RhMED15a-like and TRV control comparisons, with 555 upregulated and 417 downregulated DEGs. b KEGG assignments for the DEGs. The number next to the column indicates the total number of DEGs in the same category, and the percentage in the bracket indicates the proportion of a specific category of DEGs to the total number of annotated DEGs. c GO assignments for the DEGs (p < 0.05, gene ratio > 1.0). The percentage of a specific category of DEGs in each main category is indicated by the left y-axis

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