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Fig. 3 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 3

From: The genome of Citrus australasica reveals disease resistance and other species specific genes

Fig. 3

The Circos plot indicating the chromosomal locations of defense related genes in the C. australasica genome. Purple indicates the genes encoding leucine rich repeat proteins (LRR), red indicates the genes encoding pathogenesis related (PR) proteins, blue indicates the genes encoding guanine-nucleotide binding proteins and green indicate the genes encoding antimicrobial proteins (stress-responsive A/B barrel domain containing proteins, defensins, thionins, non-specific lipid transfer proteins, snakins, hevein-like proteins, knottin-type proteins). The innermost links indicate the collinear genes within the genome identified by whole genome self-homology and gene location information. Different colors for the links indicate the chromosome of origin of the links. Some collinear genes were identified within the same chromosome while others were identified between chromosomes. Collinear genes represent homologous genes in conserved orders on corresponding chromosomes. Circos plot was generated using shinyCircos-V2.0 and TBtools

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