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Fig. 4 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 4

From: In silico analysis of the wheat BBX gene family and identification of candidate genes for seed dormancy and germination

Fig. 4

Expression patterns of TaBBXs at different seed development stages by qRT-PCR. A. Expression patterns of TaBBXs at the 3w/4w/5w post anthesis. Three biological replicates per organization. Abbreviations represent: J411-3 W, J411-3 week; J411-4 W, J411-4 week; J411-5 W, J411-5 week; HMC21-3 W, HMC21-3 week; HMC21-4 W, HMC21-4 week; HMC21-5 W, HMC21-5 week.

B. Correlation analysis using the R package program. Each correlation is shown by the shades of blue and red and the size of the circle shape. Blue and red indicate a positive correlation and negative correlation, respectively. C. Co-regulatory networks. The co-regulatory networks of TaBBXs were established based on the PCCs of these gene pairs using transformed qPCR data. Different colors and styles indicate the different significance levels of the co-regulated gene pairs

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