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Fig. 6 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 6

From: Comparative transcriptome analysis provides molecular insights into heterosis of waterlogging tolerance in Chrysanthemum indicum

Fig. 6

Enrichment analysis of 5,069 unique transgressive up–regulation genes and expression heat map of 16 candidate genes. a Enrichment of GO biological process terms for 5,069 unique transgressive up–regulation genes of line 98. Only the top 20 GO terms with the lowest Q value are shown. b KEGG enrichment of 5,069 unique transgressive up–regulation expression genes in line 98. Only the top 20 pathways with the lowest Q value are shown. The numbers on the right side of the bar graph represent the number of genes contained in the corresponding GO terms. The numbers in parentheses represent the significance level of the corresponding GO terms (-Log10(Q value)). The KEGG enrichment map mentioned in the figure has been granted copyright permission by Kanehisa Laboratories. c Expression heatmaps of 9 hormone response-related genes enriched in GO terms in response to the hormone. d Expression heatmaps of 7 plant stress resistance-related genes enriched in GO terms in response to stress. The legend at the right of the figure indicates the gene expression levels transformed by log10 (FPKM)

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