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Fig. 9 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 9

From: Comparative physiology and transcriptome response patterns in cold-tolerant and cold-sensitive varieties of Solanum melongena

Fig. 9

Transcription factors and Weighted Gene co-expression network analysis of cold response related genes in eggplant. (A) Soft threshold graph. The horizontal axis represents the soft threshold (β), the vertical axis represents the fitting index (left) and average connectivity (right) of the scale-free topology model. (B) Cluster tree diagram and module partitioning of genes. (C) Display the correlation between modules and traits (physiological indicators). (D) The correlation and characteristics (time) between modules. Each row corresponds to a module, and each module cell contains the corresponding correlation and p-value. (E) The co expression network of the top 150 core genes responsive to cold stress in the MEgrey 60 module. The node size represents connectivity

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