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Fig. 5 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 5

From: Identification and expression analyses of B3 genes reveal lineage-specific evolution and potential roles of REM genes in pepper

Fig. 5

Co-expression network analysis of REM genes in pepper under abiotic stress. (A) The number of B3 DEGs under each abiotic stress. Colors and shapes next to the diagram symbolize the subfamilies and subgroups. (B) DEGs of the B3, REM, and G8 genes. (C) The networks illustrate associations with G8 genes and other genes under cold and mannitol conditions. (D) Co-expression network of stress response-related REM genes under salt and heat (C-D). The number written in the circle provides domain information, which is located on the right side of the network. The empty circle represents an uncharacterized gene

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