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Table 4 The recorded descriptor events of phenological stages in male and female cannabis plants

From: Characterization of indigenous populations of cannabis in Iran: a morphological and phenological study

Growth and Development Stages



Germination and Emergence

Radicle Apparent


Based on the germination test, where the radicle appeared in 50% of seeds.

Cotyledons Unfolded


Assessed during seedling transplantation, where 50% of cotyledons (1st node) in the entire population unfolded.

Vegetative Stage

Third node


Presence of four leaves, each with three leaflets.

Fourth node


Presence of six leaves, each with five leaflets.

Fifth node


Presence of eight leaves, each with seven leaflets.

Reproductive Stage

GV Point


This is the moment when the phyllotaxis of buds’ transitions from the opposite state to the alternate state. The criterion for this transition is a minimum distance of 0.5 cm between petioles of alternate leaves. This stage marks the entry of the plant into its reproductive phase.

Start Flower Formation Time in Individuals


The appearance of the first bud in the angle between primary and secondary branches which is in the form of a bell-shaped solitary flower or closed sepals in the male plant; in the female plant, it is in the form of a symmetrical calyx where two styles appear that are commonly white and has a hairy shape. The criterion was the appearance of the first flower in individuals constituting a population in each experimental block.

Start Flower Formation Time in 50% Population


Characterized by the appearance of the first flower in half of the individuals within a population in each experimental block.

Start 10% Flowering Time in Individuals


Characterized by the appearance of a minimum of 10% of the main inflorescence (tip of the main stem) in individuals within a population in each experimental block. The inflorescence of male plants is formed by the accumulation of flower in the upper part of the main stem (rachis) and the formation of a few leaves. Conversely, in female plants, inflorescence is developed on the tip of the main stem and appears in the form of raceme inflorescence.

Start 10% Flowering Time in 50% Population


Characterized by the appearance of 10% of inflorescence in half of the individuals within a population in each experimental block.

Flowering Time 50% in Individuals


Characterized by the appearance of 50% of the main inflorescence in individuals within a population in each experimental block.

First Opened Staminate Flowers


This stage is marked by the opening of the sepals of the first bell-shaped solitary flower in the male plant. During this stage, mature yellow pollen is dispersed into the environment after the anther sac is torn apart. Characterized by the opening of the first anther in the first individual within a population in each experimental block.