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Fig. 3 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 3

From: Seamless editing of the chloroplast genome in plants

Fig. 3

Maps showing integration of the pLSm˄GUS vector to form the iDR intermediate and resolution to the edited marker-free cp genome. Pathway A: desirable cross-over events in shaded regions 1 and 3 between the vector pLSm˄GUS and WT chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) integrate the iDRs which are resolved to the edited genome following iDR recombination. Integration into ΔrbcL cpDNA (top) is by pathway A only. Pathway B: undesirable cross-over events in regions 1 and 2 lead to integration of aadA alone and create perfect direct repeats (DR) which recombine to restore the WT cp genome. Shown are gene locations, Hind III sites (H) and fragment sizes, targeting arm sizes and locations of PCR products. Genes transcribed left to right are placed above genes transcribed right to left

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