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Figure 3 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 3

From: Organ-specific remodeling of the Arabidopsis transcriptome in response to spaceflight

Figure 3

Differentially expressed genes in response to the spaceflight environment. (A) The hierarchical clustering of all 480 genes with statistically significant (p < 0.01) differential expression in the spaceflight environment by at least 1.9-fold in at least one of the three organs (LVS – Leaves; HYP – Hypocotyls; RTS – Roots). (B) A pair of Venn diagrams that illustrates the organ-specific gene expression patterns of up (red box, left) and down (green box, right) among leaves (green), hypocotyls (blue), and roots (tan). (C) A list of the 26 genes coordinately up or down regulated in all organs. The Public ID number is annotated with a brief description, and the corresponding fold-change values are shown in the columns designated for each organ. (D) A hierarchical clustering of 158 genes from (A), which have an association with cell wall remodeling and cell expansion, pathogen or wounding responses, and growth hormone signal transduction. A partial annotation of genes representative of each cluster is given to the right of the graphic. A fully annotated version of (D) is presented in Additional file 3: Figure S1. Green indicates down-regulated genes and red indicates up-regulated genes. Heat-map legend values are in log[2]. Hierarchical clustering methods used on the graphics were after [20].

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